by Eric Bogatin | Oct 26, 2014 | Astonishing Science News
In a previous post, I reviewed the fields of view for the Canon 60Da with the C925 telescope. In this post, we look at the fields of view for the Canon 450D camera and the two lens attachments. The two lenses are 18 mm to 55 mm and 70 mm to 300 mm. The...
by Eric Bogatin | Oct 26, 2014 | Astonishing Science News
In a previous post I reviewed how the angular field of view of an image sensor is related to the focal length of the optical tube and the sensor size. We then applied this analysis to look at the field of views of the small image sensors like the Skyrix I use for...
by Eric Bogatin | Oct 26, 2014 | Astonishing Science News
In an earlier column about field of view, I showed that the focal length of a telescope really translates image size at the focal plane into an annular size of the object. The angular size, is the angular field of view. The connection is: To estimate the angular size...
by Eric Bogatin | Oct 22, 2014 | Featured, What Works
When a wifi connection works, it is effortless, but when it doesn’t, or you need something more than just a standard connection, here are a few tools I use all the time that allow for effortless connections. Wi-Fi Analytics is a free analysis tool to identify all...
by Eric Bogatin | Oct 15, 2014 | Astonishing Science News
As noted, I was able to use a 30 mWatt laser pointer to take out a streetlight. But, I needed to modify the laser in three important ways to turn it into a practical solution: it had to be powered with an ac adapter it had to be mounted to the side of the fence in...
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