The Universal Globe Spins in the Wrong Direction

The Universal Globe Spins in the Wrong Direction

What a geek I am. Here we were at Universal Studios Park in Orlando, FL to visit Potter World and the first thing I notice is the Universal Globe is spinning in the wrong direction. It’s the right hand rule. Curl your fingers in the direction of rotation and your...

We don’t take no S#!T from a machine

This is one of the best lines from a movie. It set the attitude which later lead to the man-machine battles in the little known 1989 movie, Moontrap, staring Walter Koenig (Ensign Chekov), and Bruce Campbell. Astronauts on the Moon discover an old machine-Cyborg race...
A four hundred year old lesson for today

A four hundred year old lesson for today

published in EE Times The competition is surging ahead. A few past public product failures are casting doubts on the ability of the company. The Boss feels under pressure to show the competition up, and he is pressing his product development team to deliver something...